Video Capabilities of a company can run a very wide gamut, from a simple person with a camera to a 50 person crew being able to produce a major motion picture. What category do we fall in?
We don't plan on doing a major motion picture any time soon but we do have the capabilities to produce your corporate training video, product video, testimonials, company event video, tradeshow video, interviews, YouTube video and more that fall into a similar class of video production.
We have the equipment and experience to produce a polished video at a reasonable price.
You can be confidant in knowing we made the investment in equipment and don't have to add the cost of renting equipment to produce your video. We have professional digital video cameras, professional DSLR cameras and lenses, doorway dolly, track tripod dolly, camera slider, jib crane, teleprompter, wireless livelier mics, boom mikes, and audio mixing equipment.
Video can be recorded in our studio at the Merchandise Mart or on location inside or outside using our specially equipped van that even has a shooting platform on the roof.